Denis Staskewitsch, Panopto’s Regional Sales Manager
Viducon held its 1st Panopto seminar for Administrators and Superusers, on the 14th of Feb 2017. The seminar took place in Copenhagen, where participants both from Denmark and Sweden attended the event. It was an interesting blend of participants, who came from the educational, private, and public sectors.
The goal of the seminar was to assist with the implementation process of video as part of e.g. teaching and employee training, by using Panopto. The event covered mainly admin and technical aspects and topics, such as integration possibilities, implementation process, admin role, recommended hardware, room installations, data security, and use cases.
The purpose of the event was to cover the many possibilities which Panopto offers, while at the same time, give Panopto users in Denmark and Sweden, the possibility to network, share their experiences, and most importantly get inspired.
Panopto’s representatives, Denis Staskewitsch, Regional Manager, and Ulus Isa, Senior Solutions Engineer, arrived from London to present Panopto’s organizational structure, a number of user cases, and the technical aspects of Panopto’s video solution.
Also presenting, were two guest speakers from Danish colleges, Carsten Storgaard, an IT and E-learning consultant from Cphbusiness, and Lars Olsen, Project Manager and student advisor, from University College Northern Denmark (UCN).
Carsten Storgaard presented, in a very creative way, how Cphbusiness is implementing Panopto, and some inspiring user cases, which are quite different from the traditional use of video in education.
Lars Olsen presented the advanced lecture room setup at UCN, where Panopto’s software is capturing 3 cameras, the Smartboard’s output, and PowerPoint, all in one recording. Quite a setup!
Viducon’s CTO, Felix A. Bar, went through and advised on recommended technical setups such as audio, video quality, permanent installations, remote recorders, and hardware. Showing how hardware can be complementary to Panopto’s software solution.
Last to present was Viducon’s CEO, Yaron Schwartz, who talked about the use of Panopto and growth in the Danish and Swedish markets. Later he was joined by Denis Staskewitsch, where they went through Panopto’s roadmap and talked about Panopto’s global community.
The seminar was closed with a Q&A session, coffee, and some delicious cupcakes.
The 1st Panopto seminar in Denmark, was highly successful, with more participants than first planned for, and the participants were happy for the opportunity to talk with Panopto representatives, learn, get inspired, and network with other Panopto users in Denmark and Sweden.
As there was much interest shown in the seminar, Viducon is planning to organize such events again in the future, covering different topics, which would be requested by Panopto users in Scandinavia.
Viducon would like to encourage Panopto users in Scandinavia to join the group ‘Panopto Brugere I Danmark’ (‘Panopto Users in Denmark’) on LinkedIn, where Panopto users can share their experience, start a discussion, ask questions and write some suggestions.
Viducon thanks all guest speakers and participants, and is looking forward to seeing you at its next event!
If you are interested in trying out Panopto’s video solution at your organization, please, contact our team for a personalized demo or sign up for a 30-days free trial.