Viducon’s customers

Below you can see a selection of our current customers.

Map of Viducon's Panopto customers in Denmark

Panopto is used by a large number of educational institutions and private organisations. You can get an easy and quick overview of our customers by skimming the logos below. You can also click on the various customers to be taken to their website:

Aarhus UniversityCampus Bornholm, CBSCphbusiness, Dania Academy, Business Academy SouthWest, Finanssektorens Uddannelsescenter, KEA, Danish Police Politi, ROCKWOOL, SmartLearning, TECHCOLLEGE, VUC StorstrømZealand – Academy of Technologies and Business and Agency for Public Finance and Management – Ministry of Finance.

Smart Learning
Dania Erhvervsakademi
Finanssektorens Uddannelsescenter

Returning customers we have helped with live streaming, AV setup or something similar

You can find our services on the page Video services (takes you to You are always welcome to send an inquiry and get an offer. We have several returning customers, which you can easily and quickly get an overview of by skimming the logos below. You can also click our on different customers to be taken to their website:

CaldicDTUFinancial Trading PartnerFinansforbundet, University of Copenhagen og University College Ablason.

*In addition, we regularly assist our Panopto customers from CBS, CBS Executive Fonden, Finanssektorens Uddannelsescenter and ROCKWOOL.

Caldic logo
DTU logo
Logo for Financial Training Partner.
Absalon Professionshøjskolen
Finanssektorens Uddannelsescenter