Experts in digital solutions & learning technologies

Welcome to Viducon

Since 2014, we have worked with digital solutions and learning technologies for education and employee training. In collaboration with international partners, we sell SaaS solutions for education and training use, in addition to our video recording services:

The leading video platform for education and training. With Panopto you can do it all with one tool: Record, edit, host and publish your videos securely.

The easiest way to create advanced interactive videos. With hihaho, you have the possibility to choose from more than 17 different interactions to make your video interactive.

A flexible and robust learning platform in the form of a Learning Management System. With Brightspace you learn at all stages of life.

A platform to create engagement via online polls. With Vevox, you engage your participants through word clouds, quizzes and debates.

With more than 10 years of experience in live streaming and video production, we at VidPro (Viducon Productions) understand how to customize solutions to your needs.

”The collaboration with Viducon works exemplary. We have always been highly satisfies with the service we have received. There is always full support and if we have had problems, they have always been there to help us. Viducon is a full service company, and we also experience it as such”.

Mogens Heine Larsen
Section Manager, Rockwool

ROCKWOOL case study (in Danish) download

Video solutions streamlines organizations

At Viducon, we see that video will make up an increasingly large role in any work-related communication and in educational situations. Video as a communication form is highly efficient and more illustrative than a text. As a media, video gains ground in businesses as well as in educational institutions.

Did you know that it is 75% more likely that an employee sees a video in contrast to reading a document or an e-mail? Studies have shown how video increases the human ability to remember concepts and details, if you add video.

Video is applied everyday in anything from lecture capture, flipped classroom, tasks for employee courses, knowledge sharing, onboarding as well as documentation of for instance certifications and procedures. We will happily tell you more about all of the opportunities.

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Educational videos


Viducon video records at the Financial Services Union in Denmark which can be used for educational videos

Should we help record your event?

Viducon consists of a team of experts in video professionals capable of recording your next event. Do you want to arrange an online event? Or as a hybrid event in which some participate online, while others are physically present? We have video solutions and are like a video agency, experts in recording and live streaming of events of all sizes including seminars, conferences and lectures.

We provide sound, image and technical set-up of equipment and are also offering extra services such as subtitles.

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Visit our Shop

In our eShop we sell products applicable for video based education and training. We only sell verified products, as it is highly important to us, that our customers are only buying the best equipment. Our intelligent solutions and camera robots include amongst others the brands Panasonic, Pixem 2 and MXL. See more about intelligent equipment or visit our eShop.

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Educational videos

Contact Viducon

You are welcome to contact us on LinkedIn or use the contact form – we look forward to hearing from you.

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    The leading video platform for education and training. With Panopto you can do it all with one tool: Record, edit, host and publish your videos securely.

    The easiest way to create advanced interactive videos. With hihaho, you have the possibility to choose from more than 17 different interactions to make your video interactive.

    A flexible and robust learning platform in the form of a Learning Management System. With Brightspace you learn at all stages of life.

    A platform to create engagement via online polls. With Vevox, you engage your participants through word clouds, quizzes and debates.

    With more than 10 years of experience in live streaming and video production, we at VidPro (Viducon Productions) understand how to customize solutions to your needs.